Being prepared against Cyber Attacks – Is a must for this Internet-savvy age

Stephane Nappo once righteously said,It takes 20 years to build a reputation and few minutes of cyber-incident to ruin it.” Be it massive business structure or financial or government databases, sites or transactions, a huge amount is spent on the end-to end security structure in order to sustain a bug-free and threat-less functioning. But, we keep hearing every now-and-then, about data leakages from these organizations or some fraudulent transaction happening around, without the knowledge of these financial organizations. What does that mean? Does that actually mean, whatever we do or how much may we spent on security, at the end it’s just a matter of time for some hacker to get lucky. What remains prominent for us to take away from all such massive cyber attacks in the past is, “There can’t be an immediate solution to all cyber attacks, being prepared and trained all the time can be the biggest help”. If we get down to the basics, the foremost reason of cyber security breach is the end-result of continuous efforts of an internet hacker trying to invade into the secure system, in every which way possible. It’s not that, this means anyone is trying to glorify the unethical practices of these hackers, but possibly one loose end – and it finishes the whole game whole together.

Cyber Attacks: Staying Steps Ahead is the key

Well, information security organizations differ in generic opinions about cyber security, when it all looks like an ultimate sham. What they actually mean is “being two steps ahead”, is the right key to achieve an overall cyber security, in true sense. What they are actually suggesting and actually are putting huge investments on penetration and vulnerability testing, with almost all cases that possibly could serve as eventful cyber attacks in future. Did you see the hope there? Yes indeed; Instead of waiting for an hacker teaching a lesson, at the cost of both reputation and money, it’s better to learn and update smartly.

If IoT really has a secure future?

Now that Internet-of-Things has caught up a heavy market space, and IoT hardware and software developers are sailing pretty high… is it still that secure? Imagine, you had locked your home through via some IOT Lock Hardware and Software system, but could be very sure that system would not be hacked to clone exact data as yours. After all its all data, that is matched at the backend, to allow or reject the machine to work. Again, cyber security on software level is still much manageable, but security at hardware level is the trickiest part. Hopefully we have silver lining since, most IoT product related companies are making sure to provide an high end security solution before launching them into the market. In a scenario, where there can’t be one solution to all problems; at least you can be assured your IoT product is safe from all previous hacking tricks.

Cutting edge Infra & Cloud Security:           

Yes there can’t be anything more important today, than the security issues of cloud and infrastructure. The reason is already well known to us, we are all so much with all our information, on these cloud databases. Not only us, but huge enterprises and government bodies are up and running because of the proper functioning of cloud architectures. But the trend is moving hot on migration of applications on software as a services, would it be a secure option, otherwise? Huge organizations are definitely able to achieve the threshold security target that, too a lot of extent, is breach free and cyber secure. But what about the applications that actually are not equally enterprise. So, is there going to be seemingly more data breaches and information leaks coming, in respect to cloud hacking?

Increasing Security Risk due to Expansions

When your company’s motto highlights, ‘Go Limitless’, do they actually mean ‘Expand carelessly’. To be honest, it was not a sarcasm, but a harsh reality. This year is going to be terrific for every business in every sense like always, and owners are only going to talk about mergers and expansions. But is there anybody hinting them, expanding the boundaries of their office connections would only expose them to pro hackers, just waiting to mark a sign on your company’s status. Offshore, virtual or remote connections actually weakens your boundaries of protections especially when personal devices of employees get involved as well. How well is any organization ready for expansion, must be assessed by the kind of security measures they are willing to move forward with. The good news is, the integration tools and management software at various level are able to provide a secure built-up for these organizations, and is hopeful for much stronger security strength in coming time.

Biometrics, are they already calling it ancient?

Now that is the beauty of IT world, it updates itself even before you get an opportunity to fully exploit its product. Biometrics came out be one of the greatest solutions, where it involves unique identities for user authentication. While fictional movies initially, trolled biometrics so badly (extend to say in some of most gruesome ways), then hackers sabotaged biometric by highlighting how they can manipulate any machine which utilizes and uses data eventually. Many experts predict that biometric data leakage and breach would be much munchier news, in coming days. Needless to say biometrics at both software and hardware level are made much secure at enterprise level, where authentication and identification systems are tested by various test cases. But let’s hope, we do not get to hear any more on biometric cyber attacks.

It’s disheartening to accept that cyber hackers are getting stronger each day and eventually are developing some or other way to get a way through business models or personal devices. But that’s the harsh reality even cyber security companies can’t deny. It looks like, the winners at the end of the day are the few hidden faces on other side. But, we cannot deny the fact, even though we face a lot of damages due to regular cyber attacks, with every cyber breach we get immune and much stronger than previous time.             

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About the Author: Nikita

An avid reader with a passion to write (Me in few words). Curiosity and Exploring are the two traits, which led me towards the art of writing. So far the passion is still working overtime. I have always been interested to share my views irrespective of the field I am talking about. Hence researching became a new attribute of my nature.

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